V4.63 17 May 2005 (c) 2000-2005 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved.
Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
the BSD license will take precedence.
Set tabs to 4.
Contributed by Interakt Online. Thx Cristian MARIN cristic#interaktonline.com
class ADODB_sybase_ase extends ADODB_sybase {
var $databaseType = "sybase_ase";
var $metaTablesSQL="SELECT sysobjects.name FROM sysobjects, sysusers WHERE sysobjects.type='U' AND sysobjects.uid = sysusers.uid";
var $metaColumnsSQL = "SELECT syscolumns.name AS field_name, systypes.name AS type, systypes.length AS width FROM sysobjects, syscolumns, systypes WHERE sysobjects.name='%s' AND syscolumns.id = sysobjects.id AND systypes.type=syscolumns.type";
var $metaDatabasesSQL ="SELECT a.name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases a, master.dbo.syslogins b WHERE a.suid = b.suid and a.name like '%' and a.name != 'tempdb' and a.status3 != 256 order by 1";
function ADODB_sybase_ase()
// split the Views, Tables and procedures.
function &MetaTables($ttype=false,$showSchema=false,$mask=false)
if ($this->metaTablesSQL) {
// complicated state saving by the need for backward compat